Continuing the Journey: Fellowship 

McKinney Kids at the Grand Canyon

As I think back to last year, I cannot help but remember the 10,000 mile trip we took to Utah and around the Grand Canyon and back.  It was insane to do this with 7 kids.  There was a part of the trip that we were stuck in traffic in the Desert of Arizona and I looked at the temperature outside and it said 120 degrees.  I started to get worried.  I had the terrifying fear about breaking down. How much water do we have left? What do you do with the kids in the middle of the desert if we never start moving.  I started praying and 45 minutes later we were out of the cluster of cars and standing in a gas station store getting  cold drinks and relaxing. This experience makes me think of our church.  In the 63 years Grace Baptist has been a church we have been on a journey.  For some it might seem like it will never end.  There have been times when pastors and deacons and members started seeing just how urgent things are and started praying.  Casting our cares on our great God because He cares for us is a great first step.  

March 18th, 2020 started a long journey for us as well.  We shut the doors to the church for 3 months and we started a new dispensation of church.  Worship and Ministry during Covid.  

For me 2021 was that time of realization that it is 120 degrees outside and what if…?  What if this never ends?  What if people never come back?  What if we make the wrong decisions?  What does ministry look like now?  I feel like now here I am in 2022 thinking we made it out of the cluster of chaos and are looking for what is next, but we have not completed the trip.  God is at work and still needs us to be His witnesses.  There is a lot I am thankful for in 2021.

New Members:  Praise God for Bryce Greene, Mackenzie McKinney, Andrew Wilson and Linda Bauer joining us in covenant membership this year.  I am thankful that they saw the benefit of being in fellowship with us.  We promised to look after them and their walk with Jesus and they promised to do the same for us.  I hope you remember the responsibility you have to each other.  Please do not let Covid or anything else stop you from the covenant promise you made to your brothers and sister in Christ.  Continue to encourage each other in the faith.

Fellowship:  We stared fellowship group meetings again in October of 2021.  We had five groups meeting regularly.  These groups were called to study God’s word, Pray and build godly relationships with each other.  So many times a fellowship group can become something else.   It is possible to build relationships without being in fellowship.  I am praying that we will continue to strive to fellowship and encourage each other in our faith in 2022.

God’s Faithfulness:  God has been faithful to us in 2021 like He has been throughout our history.  He has provided and given wisdom and instruction and leaders.  I am thankful for our church leaders for their time and service.  I am thankful for your part in our church.  I am thankful that God allowed us to worship every Sunday in 2021.  Our great God is so good.  

Let’s look ahead a little. This year we are striving to continue Fellowship with a focus on Faith and the Holy Spirit.  I will be preaching from the book of Acts and studying “our history” from the first days of the church.  I am praying God will fill us with His Spirit for us to do extraordinary ministry for His glory.  I am praying we can help deliver each other from the bonds of sin.  I am praying we can boldly be witnesses of God’s mighty acts.  I am praying that we will be nearer to our God at the end of this year and nearer to each other because of His work in us.  Please be praying for GBC and for our unity.  

Luke 24:46–49 “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” 

 Deacon Report:  Roger King

Treasurer Report: Dave Gullett

Youth Pastor Report:  Tim Jenkins

    The children’s ministry finished the answers in Genesis material near the beginning of fall. We switched to the “Story” material to encourage the kids to return to biblical stories and see how God influenced the lives of each character. Encouraging the kids to also allow God to change their stories and so that they can live lives that are pleasing to Him. 

   The youth we have been going through what it means to have a personal relationship with God. We don’t base it off what are parents say, youth pastor, or pastor, but what does God say our relationship with Him should be through the Bible. Encouraging them to seek their own relationships. We have been going through each character and how each of their relationships were different when it came to God. We often times put people in the Bible on pedestals treating them as “super Christians” but they were people struggling and also trying to figure their relationship with God just like us.

Trustee Report:  Andrew Storey

2020 and 2021 saw a few building projects completed. In 2020, the church had both of it's furnaces replaced by Donnie Martin Heating and Air. In 2021, the parking lot was resealed to help with some cracks that have been forming and gutter guards were installed to help with some leakage issues. Some light plumbing maintenance was also performed.

Church Clerk Report: Cindy Castle 

As 2021 came to a close we were all hoping for different outcome, but God is in control of us and we continue as a church to keep going and I feel blessed to continue to be part of the board. Thanks for your support. We had a few e-board meetings as well as face to face meetings. Regardless we have worked together to keep our church in good working order as well as supporting our missionaries.  I am looking  forward to seeing what 2022 holds for us and I will continue to serve as clerk supporting the team as we plan for the new year. We welcomed new members and lost some pillars of the church that will not be forgotten for the role they have played in being the beginning of what we enjoy today. As it states in my favorite verse Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me” and he has this last year. Love and prayer for all of you for a blessed 2022.