To think that someone bore your iniquities, your trash, your baggage, your extra weight should overwhelm you. Jesus bore it all for you and me. So here is the question I ask all the time. What am I bearing for Him? What has His grace meant for me and to me. How am I using and living with the righteousness He has given and how am I using my freedom He paid for. He did not go through anguish and torment so I could have a big house or a nice car. He did not sacrifice so I could have more things. I am His workmanship to do good works. To live in righteousness for His name sake. I was created by Him and for Him. He is what I need. Oh to be immersed and submerged in His astounding grace. If I truly understood it there would be nothing in my life but Jesus. Stand Firm in His amazing grace for it truly will shock your socks off. Christ is all you need.