It is crazy out there right? I have been wrestling this week on how to be the church and also be wise and staying safe in the wake of our situations. How can we grow in our faith and also be understanding to the safety concerns of everyone at GBC. And most important how do we stay connected while being stuck in our homes.
This is a tool to help us to do this and stay connected from our homes using tools and technology. I am praying God will use these tools and that you will strive to stay connected with your church during this time. There will be tools for worship, growth, and fellowship for everyone. The most important tool is called Zoom. It is a interactive meeting place where we can meet to share and pray together. I will be sending out emails from One Call Now with the invite. To prepare yourself please download the app on your smart phone or tablet to be prepared. If you want to use your PC then the email will give you the link to get started. Our first meeting will be tonight at 7:00 pm. It will be for 30 minutes. It is mostly a test time to see how the tool works and make sure everyone can connect so we can be ready to use it on Sunday morning as well.
Finally we want to be proactive as the church. If you hear of opportunities to minister to others or people in our church lets stay in touch. This is a huge time to be light in darkness. Thanks for joining us and know you all are in my prayers.
Kids Video Lesson
Worksheet on Forgiveness:
Adult Video Lesson:
Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
From today’s Discipleship: Words of Jesus
Can we get personal for a minute? What do you want above anything else? What is that one thing that gets your imagination going and that you dream about? It might be success, wealth, recognition, or the perfect family. We all have ambitions in life, and getting them and achieving them can bring a lot of happiness to us or admiration in the eyes of the world.
Matthew 6 Jesus commanded: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth” (vs. 19). Jesus told us to make sure we are setting up treasures in heaven. Jesus talks about this a lot. He goes on to remind us that nothing can steal your heavenly treasures and nothing can destroy your heavenly treasures. Your earthly treasures though, they are susceptible to thieves, and bugs and rust and do not last forever. The things you do for Jesus will last forever in heaven.
Your heart , your desires, your feelings, and your beliefs will follow your treasures. You will do anything for that treasure. I always think of that parable of the man in the field who finds the treasure and gives up everything for it. Storing up heavenly treasures ensures our heart is going after the right thing. The truth is though that this is not an easy path; temptations and pressures to find success in the world seem to hit us daily and honestly seem easier than this path Jesus has.
We have to remember though that God promises to provide all you need for this life, and God always keeps His promises. So, today l encourage us (me and you) to focus on the treasure for heaven. Love someone unconditionally, Call someone up and encourage them with the words of God, Donate some of your earthly treasure to the kingdom work God is at work in. Remind your heart what is eternally good and who deserves the glory!